Right now, despite the slump in the real estate market locally, there are two rather interesting older homes for sale right in New Windsor. The first of these is the old Anders property, sitting right on Main Street across from the bank. It's a beautiful older home and has been kept in good shape by the current owners.
The second property is just outside of town on Springdale Avenue and has been a bed and breakfast inn for many years. It was built sometime in the late 1800's and has a history of being haunted. In the early 1900's, it was called the Windsor Castle and was a popular place to stay for visitors to the area. IN more recent years, it has been known as the Yellow Turtle Inn.

Visitors to the property in modern days have reported strange sightings and unusual noises. The third floor, in particular, seems to attract spirits. Years ago, a family living in the house reported the sounds of marbles rolling down the hall outside one of the bedrooms in the middle of the night.